Tag: postcards

Sellin’ all my coasters! (And postcards)

Decades of tiny illustrations for sale!

As you may know, I have an on-again, off-again, ongoing background project of drawing cute little pictures on beer coasters or blank postcards, usually featuring characters from my comics. I’ve done some as gifts and commissions, but for the most part they have remained personal mementos. It’s an irregular habit that dates back nearly 20 years, beginning with my time in Sydney’s inner west, working for Total Gamer and drinking with cartoonist pals.

At the time of writing I’m up to number 66, forty-two of which (!) are still in my possession.

But in my current LifeMoment™, I have two major needs: (1.) money, and (2.) to get rid of a bunch of stuff. There’s too much stuff around here! So, to begin with: I’m selling all of these coasters and postcards, in my Ko-fi shop!


I’ve tried to make the prices reasonable, though if you believe them to be too reasonable, you are welcome and able to counter my generosity with your own by paying more than the minimum price. To be clear, though, I want these to be affordable, so if the minimum price suits you, please feel good about paying it. I’ll feel good about it too.

I may start discounting unsold ones after some time. But if there’s a particular artwork you’re really keen on, obviously it’s better not to wait. There are no duplicates.

Going through these artworks one by one brought back a lot of memories, and where possible I’ve tried to provide a little context in the descriptions for each shop item. There are a lot of locations represented in the inscriptions, too, across Australia and Japan. A few of the most recent handful — from this month! — have silly bits of poetry on the reverse side, too.

Of course, most of the coasters have pub or beer logos on the reverse side, and you can look at those too. Honestly, even if you can’t buy anything at the moment (I feel you), go and have a browse of the shop — it looks like an art gallery right now! A lot of stories and moments are there.

If there’s an artwork you want to know more about, go ahead and ask right here.

If you personally witnessed me drawing any of these, guess what? I miss you!

Thanks for looking. What a fun activity, ho ho!

Festive postcards, made by me

…And available to order (at my ko-fi shop) for that merest, most limited of times: one Earth week.

In the spirit of the season, but a little prematurely (as befits the age of commerce), I decided on but a slender whim to take a couple of Christmas illustrations I done, from 2015 and 2016, design a backside for them (oo-er), and thus transform them into postcards.

Christmas cards — the open-up-able kind — are more traditional, but here in Japan, the closest cultural equivalent is New Year’s postcards, which are better because you don’t need to lick envelopes and aren’t expected to write anything private. Here, then, is the cosmopolitan and forward-looking Christmas postcard! Wow your distant relatives and ‘legacy friends’ with these artisanal Yuletide greetings.

Whoosh! Zoosh! Actual mail, actual stamped-with-a-stamp post, flying through the air, literally, in aeroplanes! Just imagine. What a treat. Then plop, into someone’s mailbox, as if it’s nothing. What a special time of year this nearly is.

Again, these are available to order for ONE WEEK, ending midnight-ish November 26th, 2023. That leaves me a few days to make them and send them by month’s end, so that you will receive them in time to fan yourself briefly with them, enjoying the health benefits of their homely handmade energy, before vandalising them with your ham-fisted sentiments and passing them on to the even less worthy by Christmas Day. Whoosh! Zoosh!

Really, this is mostly for fun and, let me assure you, not very much profit. So don’t mess about: ORDER RIGHT NOW, or don’t, it’s less work for me if you don’t, I don’t care. But it will be fun for both of us if you do.


And hey if you run out of people to send them to — who knows anyone’s address anymore? — there’s always Postcrossing!

[extra casual voice] Oh and while you’re placing an order and thinking about Christmas shopping anyway, don’t forget about Mr Frisky’s Unbelievable Planet, Tobias and Jube’s increasingly real “We’re doomed!” stickers, and adjacent treats of a like nature. (Perhaps you know some rude intellectuals?)

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