Tag: PDF

Patrick Alexander’s Enormous and Impressive Doodle Book


I put together a big, fat sketchbook PDF, featuring 190+ pages of doodles, notes, sketches, drawings and miscellany, from 2009-ish to 2012-ish. You can buy it for a single god-fearin’ dollar at gumroad.


  • Raymondo Person wearing hats
  • Phrases of Power and Mystery (incl. MP3)
  • Margin doodles from university
  • Life drawings, too
  • A comic I drew on a box of asian groceries
  • An early, not-yet-Al-Hartley’d version of Charlie in Truth or Dairy
  • More than a few Garfields
  • Weird stuff I can’t explain easily
  • All known things in the cosmos

If you’re a fan of my work, including/especially the dodgy stuff, there’s something in here for you. If you want a better idea of what’s inside, I’m posting some of the contents under this ‘doodle-book’ tag on my tumblr.

Buy that for a dollar.

 EDIT: Now you can buy it from sellfy, too, if you prefer to use paypal.

Another 25 Drawings of Raymondo Person Standing Next to Trees and Things and Waving at You


Many of you, having donated to Raymondo Person in the past, will have in your electronic possession the PDF booklet 25 Drawings of Raymondo Person Standing Next to Trees and Things and Waving at You. Well, here’s the sequel! It’s a hundred times better than the original, and you don’t have to take my word for it, because it’s FREE, FREE, FREE! Click on the cover image to download it:

Down below, there is a PayPal donation button. For $2.50 (or more), you will receive the high-resolution version of Another 25 Drawings of Raymondo Person Standing Next to Trees and Things and Waving at You – it’s 400dpi, versus the free version’s 150dpi. Enjoy Raymondo’s standings and wavings in exquisite detail; print out your favourite drawing to pin on your wall, and have it not look like arse.

I don’t have a digital web shoppe set up just yet, so I’ll just be emailing these PDFs out. Please specify if the email address you’d like me to send the PDF to is different than the email address you use with PayPal. Also, bear in mind that it may take me a day or two to send the email. Thanks!



You can email or twoot me.

Q: Patrick, can I see some other of your artworks such as these ones??
Certainly you may, both elsewhere on this website, and in my deviantart.com gallery.

Q: Heyyy, I wanted to buy some original art! Where’d it all go?
A: You had six months! TOO LATE, SUCKA!

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