Tag: Patrick Alexander’s Melody Zone

New-ish album-ish: Nuts

A small assortment of fun and surprising tunes. Hit play and keep reading! (There are no lyrics to distract you.)

This half-album came out a few months ago, on November 21st, 2019. However, just a few days prior to the release date, I broke my hand, which was a lot to deal with, so I wasn’t able to spruik it much. (Nonetheless, it got a lovely mention on Discchord, and Fire Extinguisher was reviewed enthusiastically by Beatradar, too!)

Whenever you upload something to one of these music publishing services, they ask you what genre it is. I never know what to tell them, so I’ve decided that my style of music is called ‘jumblepop’. When I decide what that means, I’ll write a manifesto for you. That’s the done thing.

If you enjoy my Nuts, someone else might too! Share them with a friend; add them to your Spotify playlists; write a two-sentence review on Bandcamp; post them on social media — all those little things can have a big effect in the long run. So thank you! Links ahoy:

You’ll also be able to find it on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and every other thing. Thanks for listening! (Also buying. Buying is nice too.)

I’ll leave you with the reasonably glorious album cover, featuring that alien cat girl again. Perhaps she is this… ‘Melody Zone’ we have heard about.

Relax, Will Ya?

I am pleased beyond mortal understanding to present my new album of relaxing music. You can tell it’s relaxing from the title!

Relax, Will Ya? - Patrick Alexander's Melody Zone - Japanese promo image

You can listen to it on bandcamp, and it’s also available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and everywhere else digital music is available.

[bandcamp width=400 height=307 album=1755521648 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]

It’s 45 minutes long. Every track is longer than 7 minutes, and slower than 95 BPM. It’s strange, playful and fantastical, but genuinely relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. It’s pleasant BGM but rewards attentive listening, becoming quite hypnotic and sensational. Recommended for:

  • Cafés
  • Breakfasts
  • Café breakfasts
  • Sunday afternoons
  • Naps
  • Seeing how your cats react to it
  • Bubble baths
  • Lovemaking??? (Try it and report back)

I ‘pre-released’ this album on bandcamp a week ago, and here are some of the responses (genuine and unsolicited) so far:

  • “An aural stroll through a dreamy little suburb, sleepy and strange and lost in time”
  • “Aliens sing me a lullaby”
  • “It makes me feel very Ghibly inside”
  • Relax, Will Ya? is stunning in its musicality, as well as its absurdity. … I can’t overstate how oddly relaxing the melodies are.” (Tim Webb, Discchord.com)
  • “Good lord! Love the sonic textures and stupid adorable melodies!”
  • “Relaxing, but very focused with intent. … I would compare this favorably with Tomita and Disney classics. A shroom journey for sure.”
  • “It’s ear candy AND brain candy!”
  • “A trip to another world, fascinating and unpredictable”
  • “Absolutely brilliant!”
  • “Awesome and weird”
  • “Totally different than anything I could ever imagine … Just letting it play and being surprised by what comes next! It’s a journey and mind drifter. Very fresh man very fresh!”
  • “Incredible work! Listening to this made my day!!!”
  • “This is really fucking good”

It really is! It really is. Once again: BandcampiTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and everywhere. On bandcamp, I’ve set the album to “Name your price”, meaning you can download it for free or pay $10,000 for it. The point is, you can recommend it freely, because everyone can afford it. Listen, enjoy, comment, and please, please share! Thank you!

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