A small assortment of fun and surprising tunes. Hit play and keep reading! (There are no lyrics to distract you.)
This half-album came out a few months ago, on November 21st, 2019. However, just a few days prior to the release date, I broke my hand, which was a lot to deal with, so I wasn’t able to spruik it much. (Nonetheless, it got a lovely mention on Discchord, and Fire Extinguisher was reviewed enthusiastically by Beatradar, too!)
Whenever you upload something to one of these music publishing services, they ask you what genre it is. I never know what to tell them, so I’ve decided that my style of music is called ‘jumblepop’. When I decide what that means, I’ll write a manifesto for you. That’s the done thing.
If you enjoy my Nuts, someone else might too! Share them with a friend; add them to your Spotify playlists; write a two-sentence review on Bandcamp; post them on social media — all those little things can have a big effect in the long run. So thank you! Links ahoy:
You’ll also be able to find it on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and every other thing. Thanks for listening! (Also buying. Buying is nice too.)
I’ll leave you with the reasonably glorious album cover, featuring that alien cat girl again. Perhaps she is this… ‘Melody Zone’ we have heard about.