Tag: gumroad

Lesson materials for English teachers in Japan

This Die Hard lesson is really, really popular

I never got around to posting about this, here on my main website!

For two years, from 2013 to 2015, I worked as an ALT (assistant language teacher) at a senior high school in Utsunomiya, Japan. During that time, I put a lot of extra hours into creating illustrated worksheets, games, and other lesson materials for my classes. I shared some with other teachers and got some enthusiastic feedback, so I started compiling and formatting the materials into PDFs, with full instructions so that any teacher could download and use them.

Those PDFs can be found here, at Patrick-sensei’s gumroad store!

(At the time of writing, there are still some materials yet to be formatted and uploaded. I’ve been busy!)

These lesson materials represent two years of my work as a cartoonist and creator, and include some of the best and most worthwhile illustration I’ve ever done. I even made a board game! So even though it’s not comics, I’d encourage you to take a look, if you follow my work. I feel like this is my humble equivalent of Will Eisner’s army manuals — those actually useful things he made, in between The Spirit and helping to invent the graphic novel.

And along with creating lesson materials, it was also a part of my job to do… The Morning Speech. (Again: Volume 2 yet to come!)

Patrick Alexander’s Enormous and Impressive Doodle Book


I put together a big, fat sketchbook PDF, featuring 190+ pages of doodles, notes, sketches, drawings and miscellany, from 2009-ish to 2012-ish. You can buy it for a single god-fearin’ dollar at gumroad.


  • Raymondo Person wearing hats
  • Phrases of Power and Mystery (incl. MP3)
  • Margin doodles from university
  • Life drawings, too
  • A comic I drew on a box of asian groceries
  • An early, not-yet-Al-Hartley’d version of Charlie in Truth or Dairy
  • More than a few Garfields
  • Weird stuff I can’t explain easily
  • All known things in the cosmos

If you’re a fan of my work, including/especially the dodgy stuff, there’s something in here for you. If you want a better idea of what’s inside, I’m posting some of the contents under this ‘doodle-book’ tag on my tumblr.

Buy that for a dollar.

 EDIT: Now you can buy it from sellfy, too, if you prefer to use paypal.

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