Happy New Decade

That’s a nengajou commissioned by my friend Justin in Shizuoka (the city I lived in, in Japan). I was so pleased with it that I asked Justin if I could use it for my own New Year’s emails. Thanks, Justin!

2010 is the year of the tiger, so eat lots of Frosties I guess? Or you could enjoy the Japanese tradition of choking on mochi:

Because of mochi’s extremely sticky texture, there is usually a small number of choking deaths around New Year in Japan, particularly amongst the elderly. The death toll is reported in newspapers in the days after New Year.

It’s a new decade. The year 2000 was ten years ago — what the hell? Where did ten years go? From time to time a young adult will email me and say something like, “I grew up with your comics.” What? What? How is that possible? What does that mean?

Various Illustrations

Everything Says Hello (2009)

This post was originally a portfolio page, but I’ve changed my mind about how to organise such stuff on this website. You can now consider this gallery an overview of the last few years, up ’til the time of posting.

The illustrations below are sampled from both personal and professional work, including a number of commissions for private clients. If you’d like to see more of this sort of thing, visit my deviantART gallery, and/or read some of my webcomics.

YES, OF COURSE Patrick does commissions. Apart from his usual comics and illustrations, he would especially like to design character stationery, and make art for videogames somehow. Just putting that out there.


Made by Rebecca Clements and me, Patrick Alexander. This is our tribute to Michael Jackson; I think it is the best tribute.

Thanks to Jake, Komala and Wander.

‘Me on 3’ application

Originally added to YouTube 21/8/2009.

My application video, to be a host on the national broadcaster’s new kids’ channel, ABC3. It had to have a ‘3’ in it, if you’re wondering what that’s all about.

I didn’t hear back, so, this application was NOT SUCCESSFUL. I know! Unbelievable.

Thanks to Doug Bayne for camera-doing and good advice.

Extra special thanks to SACKS COFFEE ROASTERS, for letting us take over a corner of the café for a few hours. It is a good café; please visit it and tell them we sent you: 343 King St, Newtown (Sydney).



  • Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass – Little Spanish Flea
  • Capsule – キャンディー キューティー (Candy Cutie)
  • Angelo Badalamenti – Laura Palmer’s Theme (Instrumental) (from Twin Peaks)
  • Naofumi Hataya – Guitar Showdown (from Space Channel 5 part 2)

Exclusive Interview

Originally added to YouTube 12/12/2007.

I filmed this months ago, in summer. I suffered many mosquito bites. For you, I suffered.

Basically, I had this video in my head, so I went and made it. I really like it.

Unchained Bananas

Originally added to my YouTube channel 29/11/2007; later removed “due to a copyright claim by WMG.” Now it is here, for everyone’s bewilderment, once again.

[EDIT: And now it’s reappeared on youtube, obv.]

Why Did You Grow A Beard?

Originally added to YouTube 28/8/2007.

More than any other song in history, ‘Why Did You Grow A Beard?’ by They Might Be Giants best captures that most animal of human emotions: RAGE.

This is a scientific fact and not open for discussion.

This song appears on Cast Your Pod to the Wind, a bonus disc that came with The Else, that is also available on iTunes apparently!

Games Journalism

Added to YouTube 12/10/2008.

In order of appearance:

Games Journalism
Kevin ‘Vinnk’ Tambornino
Patrick ‘Patch’ Alexander
Justin ‘Justin’ Smith

Created for Eegra. See all the Eegra videos created by me and Dan here.

Super Mario Bros. theme on banana

Added to YouTube 22/8/2008.

Patrick plays the World 1-1 music on a banana. Don’t forget to call him a fag in the comments!

Created for Eegra. See all the Eegra videos created by me and Dan here.

Half the viewers called me a fag in the comments; the other half downvoted the comments calling me a fag. Ah, YouTube.

Brian Crecente reviews Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Added to YouTube 21/3/2008.

Special guest Brian Crecente of Kotaku presents an in-depth review of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Created for Eegra. See all the Eegra videos created by me and Dan here.

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