Lately I’ve had barely any time to do stuff, let alone update this website to let you know that I’ve done it. Let’s get you caught up!
Voting comic part 2
Ever since Dennis and Ken slappo’d their way into Australian voters’ hearts back in 2013, those same besotted voters have been requesting a follow-up comic explaining the electoral system for the federal Senate, with its tentacle-long, bone-white ballots of terror. I’m happy to report that I managed to complete that comic in plenty of time for the election back in May, and you can read, download, and share it right beneath this link.
It was a huge amount of work to produce, and I did so with no sponsorship or outside support, because I like democracy and I wanted to help people. If that makes you want to click a Like button, try the Donate button instead, on my Ko-fi page! Yes, retroactively: even perhaps years after the fact, if that’s when you’re reading this. It’s like royalties! Go and donate! Yes, even if you’re not Australian! You think I don’t see you? I see you.
As for the international perma-meme that is Voting comic part 1, this year you might have seen it distributed in full-colour print alongside the campaign materials of Queensland Greens MP Michael Berkman and the teal candidate for Cowper, Carolyn ‘Caz’ Heise, as well as posted on the Facebook page of, uh, the Hunters and Shooters Society Australia. Can any doubt Dennis and Ken’s appeal across the entire spectrum of politics/sanity?
And… what’s this? You Can’t ‘Waste’ Your Vote… in Cantonese?? Yeah, that happened too. Phew! Big year for the boys.

Scrampbonk dot com
What this is is, I got really fed up with web two-point-oh, and sick of bloated-corpse wordpress too, and made a new, simple, easy blog (using publii) that I can post things on, when I make them! Comics, writing, illustrations, videos, whatever. Really tired of trying to keep up with social media websites as they rise and fall. Who has the time! Anyway add scrampbonk dot com to your bookmarks, or RSS feed if you’re on the cutting edge. Old Internet is still there, if we want it. Add me to your webring.
Getting serious with Ko-fi
I’m trying to gradually transition back to doing more creative work and personal projects, and the support of my… fans? Followers? Fellow weirdoes? — will be invaluable in making that possible, so I’ve been putting some time and effort into making my Ko-fi a worthwhile place to be.
You can now become a monthly member to enjoy my new work earlier than ordinary internet plebes, see works in progress and other weird scraps, and even receive the exciting Envelope of Wonder in your actual, touchable mailbox throughout the year, if you so desire.

Monthly membership is a really, really effective way to help me create more of the stuff that you love, now and into the future. The financial support is straightforwardly helpful, but also encourages and motivates me on a mental and emotional level too. It’s like… tangible proof that people believe in my work. Thank you!
The Ko-fi Shop
You may notice that my Ko-fi page now also features a shop! Yes! Right now you can buy a retro-sparkly Tobias and Jube “We’re DOOMED!” sticker; a vinyl Dennis and Ken “SLAPPO!!!” sticker; a charming, never-appeared-on-the-internet, all-ages comic called Mr Frisky’s Unbelievable Planet; and a members-only zine of terrible, terrible, terrible actually brilliant crosswords, which is apparently yet another thing I do. More goodies will be added little by little, both physical and digital.
But wait! Before you click that “SPEND ALL OF MY MONEY” button… what day is it today? Because if it isn’t yet January 8th 2023, there is a sale on right now. You can get twenty whole percent off everything in the shop, simply by visiting it via this link:
And if that doesn’t work for some reason, just enter the code “YOWZA20” at checkout.
Oh, and! And! If you become a monthly member, you get automatic shop discounts anyway! Do the discounts stack? Sure, why not! (I’m actually not sure but I think so.)
Mr Frisky’s Unbelievable Planet
Hang on, Patrick, what was that about… a new comic?
Ah, yes! Sort of!

As it says on the shop page:
A short comic I made in 2007, now shared with the world 15 years later!
Take a dubiously educational journey of discovery with Mr Frisky and his susceptible pal Milkshake, as they venture into the wildest, weirdest places on Earth and look at fish.
SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES. A perfect no-reason-in-particular gift for friends, students or teachers, niblings, or any marine biologists you happen to know.
That’s right, I had a completed 20-page comic sitting around for 15 years that I just never found the right opportunity to publish in any way. But now you can buy it in a slim, attractively designed, beautifully printed volume, at, as I may have mentioned, my Ko-fi shop.
It’s a little slab of delightful giggles and you will enjoy it, as will everyone you know or will ever meet. Buy ten thousand!
If you’d like to read a little about the design process of the Mr Frisky book, I blogged about that here, and if you’d like to see some exciting unboxing photos of the real thing, take a look here. And while you’re in an ogling mood, cop a load of these:

Phwoar! Yeah, I understand, you want it! Go and get it. (And don’t forget, the checkout code “YOWZA20” gives a 20% discount until a week into 2023. Yowza!)
I want to make more books like this, so don’t hesitate to encourage me.
Anything else?
Isn’t that enough?? Oh, you want the second episode of Comedy Purgatory? You want more crazy music? You want really, really new comics, not just plenty of comics you haven’t seen before like Mr Frisky and the Dark Horse Presents ones that I’m putting up on Ko-fi (and then Scrampbonk dot com later)? You want… youtube videos? After all this time?
Well my friend, we are in hyaku pasento resonance on those matters: I want those very same things. Support me on Ko-fi and help to make it all happen.
By the way, don’t forget you can join my mailing list on this website’s Contact page. Right now I rarely use it, but it’s potentially a great way to stay up-to-date while circumventing the invented need for social media. I’ll at least use it for important announcements, so pop in your email address and you won’t miss out. I promise I am not well-organised enough to be annoying.
And hey, is there anyone reading this blog post who was alerted to it via RSS? Leave a comment! I’d love to know that people are still using that.
gary stu
I came here via RSS Feed. In commitment to the Old Web bit, I started using RSS Feeds again last year or so. Got off to a slow start with them but since I hit my stride its a good time. It’s made me feel silly for ever stopping in the first place.
Thanks for the catch up. I’ve had a lot of this pass me by, whoops. I will be adding Scrampbonk to my RSS feeds and cool links page.
Patrick Alexander
Awesome, that’s good to know!
I realised after posting that Scrampbonk might not actually have an RSS feed?? It’s a static site so I’m guessing maybe it doesn’t, unless I manually add one somehow.
Yeah, it doesn’t appear to have one. I do think Publii lets you create an automatic RSS feed. But if its trouble, I’d understand if you didn’t set up an RSS feed for just one person expressing interest. No worries.
Patrick Alexander
Publii does indeed; turns out it’s here:
Ah, cool. Thanks, I added it to my feed reader.
In at least the RSS reader I use, it lists chickennation’s RSS feed as having 57 followers.
Patrick Alexander
Oh, that’s cool! I didn’t know such a count existed. Nice!