The nightmare that was 2020 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2021!
One year earlier…
The nightmare that was 2019 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2020!
One year earlier…
The nightmare that was 2018 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2019!
And so on and so on. I’m very, very tired of this “Whew! What a year!” editorial fluff — the same every December; haven’t they noticed yet? Meanwhile, to those who actually do things, big or small, to make the future better; to those who try to understand the underlying causes of these ongoing, worsening problems and choose their words, actions, and politics accordingly: my respect and thanks.
I do believe that the future can be better. But in the meantime, here it is, the editorial cartoon of the century!

Look for some variation on this (or several) in about a week from now, wherever hacky American editorial cartoons can be found. And look again a year after that, and a year after that, and every year forever until we get booted off the cliff.